
It is the goal of this ministry to invite members for support and for fellowship. Prospective members have to agree with the Statement of Belief and fill out the membership form shown below (download, print, and fill out, then return by USPS). Please read over the Statements of Belief page and send us an email or USPS letter. Thank you Min. Dr. Donald H. Garrett.



Full Name (last) ______________________ (first) _________________________ (middle) _______________________________

Residence Address: _________________________________________________ (City) __________________________________

(State) _______________________ (Zip Code) _______________________________________

How long have you lived at this address? _____________ If less than three years, then list your previous address below:

Previous Address: __________________________________________________ (City) __________________________________

(State) _______________________ (Zip Code) _______________________________________

Current Mailing Address: ____________________________________________ (City) __________________________________

(State) _______________________ (Zip Code) _______________________________________

Telephone (____) ________________ □ Mobile  □ Home  □ Other

E-mail ____________________________________________________ □ Home  □ Work  □ Other

Date of Birth ___/___/_______ Sex: ___  Marital Status: □ Married  □ Divorced  □ Widow □ Single

Spouse Name (if Married): ____________________________

If divorced, provide reason and date: ___________________ and ___/___/_____

If Widowed, provide date: ___/___/_____

Number of children (if any) ___ and names: _____________________________________________________________________

Education: List ALL schools, colleges, or universities attended: ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

At what age were you born again (received Yeshua (Jesus) as your Lord and Saviour)? ______

Secular Employment: ______________________________________________________________________________________

How many jobs have you held in the past 10 years? ___ 5 years? ___

What assembly, church, ministerial, or religious positions have you held and when: ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

What is your ministry? □ Preaching  □ Counseling  □ Teaching  □ Missions  □ Praise

Current chuch/assembly attending now? _______________________________________________________________________

Previous church/assembly affiliation? _________________________________________________________________________

Are you living a clean, consistent moral life according to the Biblical standard of holiness? ______

Is the Messiah first and foremost in your life? _____  Will you seek unity in the Body of Messiah? _____

Will you seek the salvation of others before self-edification? _____ Do you have a willingness to grow in the faith? _____

Have you been convicted of a felony or incarcerated (does not necessarily prevent membership)? _____ If so, when and what charge(s): ________________________________________________________________________________________________________

What are your goals after and during membership with OOMI? _____________________________________________________


Are you seeking credentials for ministry from OOMI? _____ If so, which type □ Licensed Minister  □ Ordained Minister  □ Helper

If you have prior credentials, what type are they and who issued them? _______________________________________________


Will you commit to educational improvement through a Bible School, College, or University? ____ If so, list School: ________________________________________________________________________________________________________

□ I accept the Statement of Faith.

□ I agree to abide by OOMI By-Law Article IV concerning membership and corporate policies.

□ I agree to support the Ministry with my membership fees and offerings.

□ I understand my membership fee of $ 25.00 per year may change from year to year while I remain a member and that I must provide a current mailing address to remain in good standing. 

_____________________________________________                          _____________________

Signature of Applicant                                                                                         Date


For office use only:

Membership approved _____  Effective Date ___/___/_____  Approved by ____________________________________________


Return the above application to: OOMI, P. O. Box 1705, Beaumont, TX 77704-1705

Application for OOMI Credentials:

A processing fee is required for all OOMI credentials. Please check which credential you are applying for.

⃝  Licensed Minister – Having a license authorizes one to preach, perform holy matrimony, baptize, exhort, confirm, and practice any Biblical and religious activity pertaining to the office of Minister in accordance with the purposes of OOMI as set forth in Articles of Incorporation, By-Laws, and the Holy Bible, other than Pastor or an assembly or church.

⃝  Ordained Minister – Authorizes one to perform all the above functions of a Licensed Minister and to Pastor an assembly or church under OOMI supervision.

⃝  Helper – Recognizes a person as an assistant to the Licensed and/or Ordained Minister(s) of OOMI. The person may assist, but is not authorized to marry, baptize, conduct services, or Pastor an assembly or church.

□ I agree, if issued one of these above credentials by OOMI (or my prior credentials are accepted), to follow the above stipulations and all OOMI membership requirements. I understand that I must surrender any OOMI issued credentials upon membership termination for violations of eligibility or qualification standards listed above, or for other good and sufficient cause.

□ I agree to pay the current processing fee for the requested credential.

________________________________________                                                __________________

Signature of Applicant                                                                              Date


For office use only:

Credential  Approved ______________________________________

Effective Date ___/___/_____   Approved by ____________________________________________

Credential Denied for the following reason: _____________________________________________

Effective Date ___/___/_____   Denied by ______________________________________________

Return the above application to: OOMI, P. O. Box 1705, Beaumont, TX 77704-1705

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