Statements of Belief


We believe:

  1. that “All Scripture is given by inspiration of YaHVaH and is profitable for doctrine, for reproof, for correction, for instruction in righteousness: That the man of YaHVaH (God) may be perfect, thoroughly furnished unto all good works.” (2 Tim. 3:16-17). All Scripture means the Old Testament, Apocrypha, and New Testament, and they are the written Word of God and the truth;
  2. that there is one God, eternally existent in God the Father, God the Son, and God the Holy Spirit. (De. 6:4, 1 John 5:7, Mt. 28:19);
  3. that according to the Holy Spirit inspired Scriptures, YaHVaH is the oldest and most correct rendering of the four Sacred consonants from the the Hebrew into the English and that “YaH” is the abbreviated form (in Psalms), and “Yahweh” or “YaHVeH” are also acceptable usages. These names represent the Name of God the Father and Creator. “Yahoshua,” is the true and correct Hebrew Name for God the Son, our Saviour. “Yahshua,” an abbreviated form; “Yeshua,” the Aramaic form (used at the time and place of the Saviour’s presence on earth); “Iesous,” the Greek form; and “Jesus,” the English form are all acceptable;
  4. that YaHVaH, by Yahoshua, through the Holy Spirit (Ruach HaKodesh), in six days, made the heaven and earth, the sea, and all that is in them, and rested on the seventh day. (Ge. 1). The Hebrew word for day, as used in Genesis, may not signify the same length of time as the English word, but can represent a specific time for a specific purpose or in other words, a day could be anything from a 24 hour period to as much as billions of years. The reasoning is that God exists outside of time and the usage of the word day by God is to relate to one time period;
  5. that Yahoshua is the only begotten Son of the Father, YaHVaH, formed by the Holy Spirit, and was born of a virgin Miriam (Mary). (John 3:16-18);
  6. in the Deity of our Adon (Lord), Yahoshua, in His sinless life, in His miracles, in His vicarious and atoning death, in His bodily resurrection, and in His Ascension to the right hand of the Father, YaHVaH. (John 1:1);
  7. that there is salvation through no other than Yahoshua. (Acts 4:12);
  8. that the baptism of the Holy Spirit (Ruach HaKodesh) and the 9 gifts of the Spirit are for the followers of Yahoshua today, with manifestations of the Spirit in accordance to 1 Corinthians 12th and 14th chapters, and that each follower of Yahoshua must live a clean, humble, Holy Spirit filled life. (Gal. 5:16-25);
  9. that Adam, who was created perfect originally, through disobedience fell, bringing death and the wrath of YaHVaH on mankind. (Ge. 3);
  10. that homosexuality is condemned. (Lev. 20:13);
  11. that the full 5-fold ministry is still in effect today as it was in the beginning (Eph. 4:11-12) and that YaHVaH instituted specific offices to be established in every assembly (church) of believers. (1 Cor. 12:28);
  12. that praise and prayer are essential to our relationship with YaHVaH. (Psalms, Eph. 6:18);
  13. that assemblage of the brethren is required by Scripture. (Heb. 10:25);
  14. that repentance, conversion, water baptism by immersion, and sanctification must be preached and practiced. (Mt. 28:19, Gal. 5:16-25);
  15. that prayer and anointing will heal the sick. (1 Peter 2:24);
  16. that the passover, which consists of unleavened bread and the fruit of the vine, is to be observed often in honor and in remembrance of our Saviour and His death. It should be observed and carry greater significance on the 14/15 of Abiyb. (Ex. 13:4-7, 23:15, 34:18, De. 16:1);
  17. that in the original Hebraic calendar system instituted by YaHVaH, the first month is Abiyb, then Ziv, Sivan, Tammuz, Av, Elul, Eythaniym, Bul, Kislev, Teveth, Shevat, and Adar following in that order, with Adar 2 for leap years. The seventh day of the week from evening to evening is YaHVaH’s Sabbath (in today’s calendar this is Friday at sundown to Saturday at sundown), a day of rest for all believers. As New Covenant believers, we are called to also remember everyday as Holy, as well as the Sabbath. (Acts 2:46). Scripture supports both the observance of the Sabbath and the assemblage on the first day of the week. (Acts 20:7);
  18. that the law of clean and unclean is to be taught, but under the New Covenant, faith rules; therefore, that which a person believes to be unclean is unclean for them and things are clean to those who believe they are clean. Yet, this does not supersede YaHVaH’s declaration of what is considered clean as food in the Old Testament. We should neither despise or judge our other brethren for their belief and it is better to not eat if it offends our brethren. (Ro. 14);
  19. that we are under the “law” of Love, whereby we fulfill the law of the Old Covenant when we love our neighbors as ourselves and love God with ALL our heart, intellect, soul, and strength (might);
  20. that the return of Yahoshua will be literal, perceivable to the eye of everyone, personal, and is impending;
  21. that the Kingdom of YaHVaH will be established under the leadership and in the person of Yahoshua the Messiah (Jesus Christ). (Rev. 20:4, 22:3-5);
  22. that the righteous are resurrected and rewarded, while the wicked are resurrected to final judgment at the second coming of Yahoshua. (Rev. 20);
  23. that the saints shall inherit the earth and will reign with the Saviour during the 1,000 years and throughout eternity. (Rev. 20:4);
  24. that the wicked will be eternally destroyed without a second chance after the resurrection. (2 Thes. 1:8-9);
  25. that Adam is the name of the human race. (Ge. 1:26-27);
  26. that the believers in Yahoshua as Lord and Saviour are all saints, priests, and kings. (Re. 1:6, 5:10);
  27. that the words Lord and God are perfectly good titles for YaHVaH, ascribed from the beginning, and used by Yahoshua Himself. Yet, they are only titles; whereas, YaHVaH is His Name. Even so, we prefer to use the Hebraic forms Elohiym for God and Adon for Lord, or variations thereof. (John 20:17,28);
  28. that the devil (satan) tries to use these titles to relate and refer to himself when they are meant for YaHVaH and His Son, Yahoshua. The word Elohiym means the one who rules divinely over all things. The word Adon means the one to whom you submit yourself to;
  29. that Yahoshua proved His Messiahship by remaining in the tomb 3 days and 3 nights, rising in the morning of the First day of the week, and by His fulfillment of prophecies. (Mt. 27:62-28:10, 28:18, Lk. 24:46);
  30. that water baptism is a command by Yahoshua to be performed to show your faith and repentance. (Mt. 28:19, Mk. 16:16);
  31. that spiritual baptism comes from YaHVaH as He chooses. (Acts 10:44-47);
  32. that the use of alcohol, liquors, and drugs are to be done within the law of the land, in limited quantities not unto drunkenness or impairment, and not beyond the prescribed amount if prescribed by a doctor;
  33. that smoking, although not forbidden, is to be avoided as it damages the body (the Temple of Elohiym);
  34. that all carnal warfare and fighting is to be avoided, except self-defense or that which is orchestrated by YaHVaH;
  35. that the divine implementation of the family is required as Father, Mother, and children. (Ge. 2:24);
  36. that marriage of husband (man) and wife (woman) is the proper Biblical relation YaHVaH intended;
  37. that abortion is always wrong; and,
  38. that the paying of tithes should be practiced by YaHVaH’s children (believers), as well as the New Covenant calling for them to give out of love that which they are able (above the tithe) as a cheerful giver and not out of necessity.

© 2017 Odon Obadyah Ministries, Inc.

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