

Adar is the last month in the Jewish calendar, but it is also a leap year month. Seven times out of a 19-year cycle, Adar becomes Adar 1 and Adar 2, the first one being the insertion month and the last equivalent to the normal Adar month. These leap years are called שנה מאוברת (pregnant year).

From Chabad, “Adar is the official “happy month,” as is written: “As soon as Adar begins, increase in joy!” In a leap year, we have two months of extra happiness!” Adar is usually translated as glorious or honorable; however, it can also mean FIRE though the Hebrew word ‘Esh אֵשׁ is generally used for fire.

Adar 1, the insertion month, is nothing special. All functions and celebrations of Adar will be done in Adar 2, such as Esther and Purim, a happy celebration of deliverance from the evil Haman of the Persian Empire in the past because of Queen Esther.

Simcha in the Shtetl – By Chaim Leib Zernitsky


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